1. Загрузите файл outdated.txt на свой хостинг 2. Разместите этот скрипт в конце лендинга перед 3. Задайте параметры x_update_lnk = ссылка для кнопки UPDATE , x_update_addr = ссылка куда вы закачали outdated.txt



We plan on continuing our business venture together and into the future. Blackstone has always made sure to address any issue we may have had immediately and have always come back with positive results.

Adam Hotham / Loss Prevention Manager

Our team at Delta Burnaby have experienced Blackstone Security Services to be professional, courteous and reliable. We plan to continue working with them for future events and are happy to recommend their services.

Katie Goodheart / Director of Event Planing & Operations

Our organization has been pleased with their services. I would highly recommend them in any capacity as a Security Provider.

Sangeeta Lalli / Director

I am impressed with the service we are receiving from Blackstone security services and the detailed reports.

Fernando Cardarelli / Assistant Manager

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